We're seeking a new Music Director/Organist.

Tryon Presbyterian Church (TPC) is seeking a part-time Director of Music/Organist for our Presbyterian USA church in beautiful Tryon, NC.
The position is for 20 hours per week with a salary range of $22-26,000 plus benefits, commensurate with experience. The Director of Music will enrich worship services with appropriate and varied music through choral and instrumental participation.
TPC has 252 members and a recently renovated sanctuary and organ. Our music program includes a Moller pipe organ with 19 ranks of pipes and 33 digital ranks, a Perzina baby grand piano, a harpsichord, hand bells, and a 20+ person choir.
Inquiries and resumes may be sent to tpreschurch@gmail.com.
For the job description and
more information, click here:
Music Director Job Description
Tryon Presbyterian Church Organ
The church’s Moller organ has four divisions playable from a three manual and pedal movable console located in the choir loft chancel area. Swell and Positive divisions are located in four tiers behind the reredos. The exposed Great and Pedal divisions are located on each side of the reredos.
Pipes are also located on platforms behind rock walls on each side of the choir loft. In 2017 the organ was completely refurbished and the new (movable) organ console was added. The Swell Division pipes were removed and replaced by all digitals. To date, there are now 19 ranks of existing pipes and 33 new digital ranks for a total of 1,669 pipes.
The organ also has a sequencer with the capability to record a player’s performance and replay the organ automatically. This renovation was completed by Cornell Zimmer Organ Builders from Denver, NC.
For the detailed description of the organ, click here:
TPC Organ Zimmer Complete Specs

To learn more about the history of the Farwell Memorial Organ at Tryon Presbyterian Church, click here:
History of the Farwell Memorial Organ